Thursday, 11 February 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me!
I'm now 37 and feel absolutely ancient. Never mind, good news is I've booked up for the RNA conference in London in July and am really excited about going. Can't wait to meet everyone.
The writing is ticking along nicely 35,000 but am kind of stuck around Chapter 8. I know how the book finishes - I just have to get there. Deadline is end of February as I need to prepare a pitch for the Harlequin Medical Pitch by 12 March. Could be really exciting...


  1. Happy Birthday, Susan!

    Please don't feel ancient. You look great. Plus, I'll be 43 this year and I don't want to be ancient.

    Your boys are adorable.

    Get back to you on the rest of the partial tomorrow (Friday).

  2. Thanks Abbi/Barbara
    Still trying to keep typing. Hope you've got your pitch ready! Susan

  3. Happy birthday, Susan! I have the very same birthday coming up in the summer :-)

    Good luck with the book and also the pitch.

  4. Hi Susan
    you won the book prize I offered on my Pink Heart Society blog a few weeks ago - sorry to take so long to get in touch! Can you please email me via my website with your address details and your choice of prize?

  5. Ah, you're just a baby (from someone who has a VERY depressing birthday approaching).

    Belated Happy Birthday.
