Tuesday, 23 October 2012

New cover bonanza!

Do you remember a few posts ago I asked the question Who was my hero kissing?  (My heroine was a brunette and the woman being kissed was a blonde!)  Well, I can't quite believe it but I've had a cover change.  Isn't it gorgeous!

Then I have a new kindle cover for the UK

And a lovely french cover for A Bond Between Strangers.

I love a pretty cover!  What do you think??

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Sunshine Award

 Romy Summer and Rachael Johns both nominated me for a Sunshine Award. So here goes!

1. What is your favourite Christmas/festive movie?
I have lots of favourite Christmas movies as it's one of my favourite times of year.  My all time favourite is probably Miracle on 34th Street and I must be the only person in the world who loves the second version with Richard Attenburgh, Mara Wilson and Dylan McDermott.
I also love The Grinch, Santa Claus the Movie, Elf, Home Alone and White Christmas.

2. What is your favourite flower?
It has to be Livingstone Daisies.  I try to grow them in my garden every year and fail miserably.  I love the bright array of colours and they always catch my attention if I see them growing in someone else's garden.  Might be a little strange as a favourite flower!

3. What is your favourite non-alcoholic beverage?
It has to Diet Coke or Diet Irn Bru.  For those of you who have not experienced Scotland's National Drink it comes with the slogan "made in Scotland, by Girders" it's bright orange and doesn't look all that great but tastes fab!
4. What is your passion?
This has to be easy. Writing and reading.  I never have enough hours in the day to do both.
5. What is your favourite time of year?
Even though I don't love the cold, and I like a summer holiday as much as the next person, it probably has to be winter.  I like snuggling up.  I like feeling cosy.  I have enough winter coats to open my own shop.  Ditto hats.  Ditto bags.  Ditto boots.  I love a cold, crisp winter morning with a nip of frost in the air without the danger of skidding and falling on my bum.  

6. What is your favourite time of day?
I used to say I was a morning person.  But I'm having to face up to the truth of that.  I can't write first thing in the morning.  I'm just not in the place I need to be.  I like mid-morning - I like morning coffee and cake.  I love lunches.  I should have been a 'lady who lunched' however finances dictate that I'm not.  My best writing time is afternoon, even though I don't particularly like that time of day.  By then I've done everything else I need to and I'm free to write.  
7. What is your favourite physical activity?
That's really easy.  None.  I wasn't designed for physical activity.  I've done Zumba and I used to swim half a mile a week.  But no.  Life has got in the way.  I'm not fat yet.  But the possibility is definitely there.
8. What is your favourite vacation?
I love a good holiday.  Loved Florida. Loved Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco (that was more than 10 yrs ago now).  Loved New York - going back in February for my 40th.  Been two mediterranean cruises with my other half and the kids and loved them too!

So, if you haven't already been nominated for a Sunshine Award consider yourself nominated now!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Pink Inspiration

I am in the midst of book eight for Mills and Boon. This is my second CDC story and I'm currently in the middle of Nigeria with my characters Evan and Violet.  I still have another 15,000 words to write but should be finished in the next two weeks.

But my mind is beginning to plan ahead. I have another story to write for another publisher along with some other authors.  This will be a bit different from what I currently write and as I've already completed my partial I find myself looking on the Internet for inspiration.

Here's where my story starts.

Aren't they fabulous?  I'm not going to give the game away but they feature heavily in chapter one!

And what do think of this beauty? Can you imagine the rustle when this dress moves? I haven't quite figured out how it will happen yet, but you can bet my heroine will have cause to wear this dress.

And finally, what ring would capture my heroine perfectly? Why, a pink diamond of course.
So this ring will be working it's way into my story.  I currently have these three pictures printed and on my wall.
Waiting for my heroine to reappear.
And her name?
Well, I haven't given too much away so will tell you that the girl who will possess all these items is called Selena.

What do you think of her shoes, dress and ring?
I hadn't even realised a pink theme was going on until I collected my pictures together.  Selena, a pink girl?  Well, it I never knew it!